A devastating incident unfolded in Fullerton, California, when a small aircraft crashed through the roof of a commercial warehouse, resulting in two fatalities and leaving 18 people injured on Thursday afternoon.
The crash occurred at 2:09 p.m. near Fullerton Municipal Airport, triggering a fire at the Michael Nicholas Designs facility, a furniture upholstery manufacturer. Security footage from a nearby business captured the dramatic moment when the aircraft, tilted on its side, dove into the building, causing a fiery explosion and sending thick black smoke into the air.
Emergency responders rushed to the scene, evacuating surrounding businesses while battling the blaze. Of the 18 injured, ten required hospitalization, while eight were treated and released at the scene, according to Fullerton Police spokesperson Kristy Wells.
Flight tracking data indicates the four-seat, single-engine aircraft went down approximately one minute after takeoff from Fullerton Municipal Airport, located about six miles from Disneyland. The crash damaged the warehouse containing sewing machines and textile inventory.
Police have not yet released information about the type of aircraft involved or whether the casualties were occupants of the plane or individuals on the ground. The incident marks the second aircraft emergency near Fullerton Municipal Airport in recent months, following a November crash where two people sustained moderate injuries after their plane struck a tree during an emergency landing.
Fullerton Municipal Airport, which serves general aviation with one runway and one heliport, is situated in a mixed-use area surrounded by residential neighborhoods, commercial warehouses, and the Metrolink rail line.