Essential Emergency Evacuation Guide: What to Pack When Wildfires Strike

· 1 min read

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As raging wildfires sweep through Southern California forcing mass evacuations, being prepared with an emergency "go-bag" can make the difference between a safe departure and a dangerous scramble. Here's what experts recommend packing when minutes matter.

The Basics: Your Three-Day Supply Kit

The core of any evacuation kit should include:

  • Three gallons of water per person
  • Three-day supply of nonperishable food
  • Battery-powered radio with extra batteries
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Cash and credit cards
  • Change of clothes
  • Prescribed medications
  • Extra eyeglasses
  • Spare house and car keys

Critical Documents

Pack these essential papers in a waterproof container:

  • Passports
  • Birth certificates
  • Insurance documents
  • Property deeds
  • Medical records

Navigation Tools

Always include:

  • Physical maps marking at least two evacuation routes
  • List of emergency contacts
  • List of nearby evacuation centers

If Time Allows

Only after packing essentials, consider grabbing:

  • Family photos and irreplaceable items
  • Computer hard drives
  • Phone chargers and laptops
  • Pet food and water

Stay Informed and Ready

The Los Angeles Fire Department advises residents not to wait for an official evacuation order if they feel at risk. Have your household evacuation plan ready and agreed upon by all family members, including designated meeting points and communication protocols.

Keep your go-bag in an easily accessible location and check it regularly to replace expired items. During fire season, monitor emergency alerts and keep your vehicle's gas tank at least half full.

Remember: When evacuation orders come, leaving quickly with a well-prepared emergency kit can help protect what matters most - your life and the lives of your loved ones.