Hollywood Walk of Fame: A Journey Through Its Stars, Stories, and Secrets

· 4 min read

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The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a popular tourist attraction located in Los Angeles, California. It was established in 1960 and has since become an iconic landmark for the entertainment industry. The idea for the Walk of Fame originated from E.M. Stuart, who proposed the concept as a way to honor celebrities in various fields such as film, television, music, radio, and theater.

Selection and construction

The selection process and construction of the Hollywood Walk of Fame involves several steps. First, nominations are submitted by individuals or organizations to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce's Walk of Fame Committee. The committee reviews each nomination based on criteria such as professional achievements, longevity in their respective industries, contributions to society, and overall fame. Once approved by the committee, honorees are selected and notified. The construction process involves creating terrazzo stars embedded with brass insignias representing different categories like motion pictures or live performance theaters.


Over time, the Hollywood Walk of Fame has undergone expansions to accommodate more honorees and maintain its relevance in an ever-evolving entertainment industry. One notable expansion occurred in 1984 when additional sections were added along both sides of Vine Street between Sunset Boulevard and Yucca Street. This expansion allowed for more space to honor new celebrities while preserving the historical significance of existing stars on Hollywood Boulevard.

Nomination process

Rule adjustments

The Hollywood Walk of Fame has undergone several rule adjustments over the years to maintain its prestige and relevance. One significant change was made in 1984 when a category for live theatre/live performance was added. This allowed notable stage actors, directors, and other professionals from the world of theater to be recognized on the Walk of Fame alongside their counterparts from film, television, music, and radio. Another important rule adjustment occurred in 2017 when it was decided that posthumous nominations would only be accepted five years after an individual's death.

Nomination criteria

The nomination criteria for receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame are stringent to uphold its status as one of the most prestigious honors in entertainment. To be eligible for consideration, nominees must have made significant contributions to at least one of five categories: motion pictures (film), broadcast television or radio (entertainment industry), recording (music industry), live performance/theater productions (theatrical arts), or within the realm of popular culture. Additionally, nominees must have a minimum career span of five years and possess a strong record of public philanthropy.

Nomination timeline

The nomination timeline plays a critical role in determining who receives stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame each year. The process begins with submission forms being reviewed by an official committee responsible for evaluating eligibility based on various criteria such as career longevity, cultural impact, and philanthropic endeavors. Once approved for consideration, nominees are categorized into relevant fields before being presented to selection committees comprised of experts in each respective field. These committees thoroughly review each nominee's qualifications before casting their votes during closed-door meetings held annually. Finally, successful nominees are announced publicly approximately two months prior to their respective induction ceremonies.

Notable entertainers with multiple stars

Five stars

The Hollywood Walk of Fame features five-pointed stars embedded in the sidewalks along Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street. Each star represents a significant contribution to the entertainment industry, including film, television, music, radio, and theater. The walkway is an iconic landmark that attracts millions of visitors each year who come to admire the names of their favorite celebrities immortalized in bronze.

Four stars

Four-star ratings on the Hollywood Walk of Fame are bestowed upon individuals who have made notable achievements in fields such as acting, directing, producing or composing for motion pictures. These recipients are recognized for their exceptional talent and dedication to their craft. Their stars serve as lasting tributes to their contributions to the world of cinema.

Three stars

Three-star recognition on the Hollywood Walk of Fame acknowledges outstanding accomplishments in various areas related to entertainment. This category includes artists from diverse disciplines like television hosting, live performances, voice acting or even behind-the-scenes roles such as casting directors or sound engineers. The three-star rating reflects the immense impact these individuals have had on shaping popular culture.

Theft and vandalism

High-profile incidents

The Hollywood Walk of Fame has seen its fair share of high-profile incidents over the years. One notable incident occurred in 1988 when a man named James Otis vandalized Donald Trump's star on the Walk of Fame with a pickaxe. This act of vandalism was in protest against Trump's treatment of women. Another incident took place in 2016 when someone spray-painted a swastika symbol on director Mel Gibson's star, sparking outrage and condemnation from the public.

Prevention and restoration

Prevention and restoration efforts play an important role in maintaining the integrity and appeal of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Hollywood Historic Trust, which oversees the maintenance and repair of the stars, takes several measures to prevent damage or defacement. Regular cleaning and polishing are carried out to remove any dirt or graffiti that may accumulate on the stars. In case a star gets damaged or vandalized, prompt restoration is done to preserve its original condition and honor those who have earned their place on this iconic landmark.

Donald Trump's star

Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has become one of its most controversial symbols. Since his entry into politics, it has been subject to multiple acts of vandalism, including being destroyed by pickaxes, sledgehammers, and even fake urine being poured over it. These acts reflect divided opinions about Trump as a public figure. Despite repeated attempts at removal or destruction, his star continues to be replaced by supporters who believe he deserves recognition for his contributions outside politics.