US Senators asks FCC to probe into “ridiculous prices” charged for Internet access

In a letter addressed to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Tom Wheeler this week, a US Senators' group led by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has requested an investigation into whether bigwig cable and broadband providers are overcharging the Americans for Internet access.

Sanders (I-VT) and three other Senators - Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Al Franken (D-MN), and Ed Markey (D-MA) - have asked Wheeler to probe whether the monopolistic practices followed by big cable and broadband providers push consumers to pay "ridiculous prices" for the services they provide.

Urging the FCC to look into the monthly charges which are being issued by service providers, the Senators have put forth the argument that the apparent lack of competition amongst service providers gives cable and phone companies the ability to increase the charges for service without any fear of loss of business.

Drawing attention to the fact that barely 37 percent Americans have more than one option for high-speed broadband providers, the Senators said in their letter to Wheeler: "With increasing concentration in the industry, there are now de facto telecommunications monopolies throughout the United States."

Asking the FCC to investigate broadband charges state-wise and provider-wise, in both urban and rural areas, the Senators said that the collection of pricing information by the agency is critical to upholding its mission "to protect consumers and promote competition, and to deploy broadband across America."

United States