Japanese magazine: New DLC pack for ‘Dragon Ball Xenoverse’ coming in March
The latest issue of Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump magazine has revealed that a new DLC pack for ‘Dragon Ball Xenoverse’ game will likely be launched in March. The DLC will bring some additional characters to the new Dragon Ball game; along with some extra missions, skills, and costumes, among other things.
Sharing the details about the new DLC pack coming to Dragon Ball Xenoverse, most likely by mid-March, Shonen Jump magazine has revealed that the pack will essentially focus on Dragon Ball GT; and will be called the ‘GT Prequel Saga.’
About the new characters and costumes which have been confirmed for the DLC pack for Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the magazine has disclosed that the new characters include GT Goku, GT Trunks and GT Pan, along with the Devilman and Launch costumes.
With regard to the skills coming aboard the Dragon Ball Xenoverse’s new DLC, the magazine has confirmed that the special moves which the new DLC pack will bring to the game include Goku’s Power Pole, Yamcha’s Spirit Ball and Vegeta’s Final Shine Attack.
The Dragon Ball Xenoverse game is presently available on gaming consoles in Japan and other Asian countries. The game was previously scheduled for launch for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC in North America and Europe on February 17. However, that launch was delayed for a few days, till February 27.